The blog

Changing careers in your twenties
How do you change careers when you've never really had one? In usual fashion, my biannual crisis found its way to me. Except this time, amidst all the chaos, I finally found something. After months …
The four phases (seasons) of our menstrual cycle
When I first started learning about my cycle, it was hard to remember all of the different types of hormones and what fluids came out of my body at what times. Your cycle is so …
3 beauty products I can’t quit
Since starting my corporate job in July, I've been thinking a lot more about makeup. I enjoy taking a slow twenty minutes in the morning to mindfully apply my skincare and beauty products. To make …
How to slowly shift your mindset
I've been so focused on taking care of my physical health and nutrition lately that I've forgotten about my mental and emotional health. I've gone through big change after big change the last few months …
The importance of early morning sun
After barely seeing the sun for about 9 months, the start of spring in the southern hemisphere is warming my soul. Okay, slightly dramatic, but the change of seasons I experienced after moving from Europe …
Honey – my new favourite skincare ingredient
Masks aren't usually a staple in my skincare routine. I used to float between one or two when I had some extra time for self care, but never used any consistently. I gravitate towards hydrating …
Follow your curiosity
When I got really into podcasts in 2022, I listened to an Oprah's Super Soul episode that featured author Elizabeth Gilbert. I'd heard of her before – I love Eat Pray Love and Big Magic. …
The best protein sources for hormone health
A few years ago, when I was first learning about hormone imbalances and diet, I came across pro-metabolic eating. This way of eating is centred around foods and practices that aid in a healthy metabolism …
The routine that saved my skin after travelling
After months of using what could only fit in a small plastic bag, nothing over 100ml, my skin was looking tired. The week before I landed back in Australia, I ordered some new skincare products …
Finding home
I've officially been back in Australia for a week. At home, if I can call it that. It's a strange feeling and one I wasn't prepared for. I kept feeling like I should have a …
Start lifting those weights, girl
Whenever you think of an addicting feeling, I'm guessing the gym doesn't come to mind. I hope to change that. I've been weight training (on and off) for about six years. More recently, when I …
Why it’s okay to outgrow your friendships
When I was young, my mum told me that the most important people in one's life are their family. This made sense to me – growing up shy and anxious, I never made a lot …
Summer skincare favourites
Before the arrival of summer, I needed to compile a favourites list (for both you and I) of skincare for the warmer months. I have oily, acne-prone skin, so I usually always use products that …
4 herbal teas for clearer skin
Even before I moved to England, I loved tea. It's probably because my family loves tea, so I grew up with it. Just like the allure of bookstores, I find myself always being pulled toward …
The in-between time
Whenever it comes time to write my personal development posts, I get so excited. I usually always have an idea in mind. But this week, I've felt like there are too many things to say …
Lip products you need to try
I'm not someone who is hugely into makeup, but one thing I do love are lip products. My lips are not naturally pink, so I appreciate a little tinted number. I've also always loved the …
Stress & your menstrual cycle
Getting pregnant isn't the only thing that can stop your period. For the last few years, I have been conscious about monitoring my menstrual cycle. I came off the pill in 2020 and have been …
Travel journal: part 2
So, as it turns out, I actually have a lot to say about travel. I think the reason is that I love new experiences and what I can learn from them. It's an opportunity for …
Travel journal: part 1
When you live a normal life, there's usually a tendency to romanticise travel. Your mind sees it as an escape from reality and a chance to reset. When it comes to romanticising travel, Pinterest is …
How to smooth uneven skin texture
I've always tried to be one of those women with a minimalistic skincare routine. Tried being the key word. When I first left London to go travelling around Europe, I had to be mindful of …