If you type “is saturated fat good for you” into Google, I bet I could tell you what you’d find. The simple answer – it’s bad. As someone who has always been a huge fan of milk, cheese, cream, butter, and just about anything else dairy or meat-related I could get my hands on, hearing […]
Author: Kaitlin Britto
Dear, long distance best friends
Dear long distance best friends, I miss you. 2024 was a chaotic year for me, to put it lightly. Please do read all about it. The hardest transition when moving home was leaving all of the beautiful people I’d met behind. What sucked even more, when I got back to Perth, was my best friend […]
A reflection of 2024: My intentional life of chaos
I’ve come to the realisation that I may subconsciously attract chaos into my life. We all feel the magnetic attraction to the New Year – the opportunity for change, new beginnings, a fresh start. A chance for us to wipe clean all of our mistakes and poor choices of the previous year. Because it’s January, […]
Are infrared saunas better?
Recently, a new sauna opened up in my local Leisureplex. My boyfriend had been dying to take me there, but I’d always preferred using an infrared sauna (which this one wasn’t). Unable to tell if this was because of the magical effects of innovative detoxification I’d previously experienced, or just delusion and clever marketing, I […]
My holy grail skincare products of 2024
I’ve discovered some absolute keepers in the skincare and beauty world this year. I attribute it mostly to the endless hours I spent on YouTube, but what else is one supposed to procrastinate with when there’s laundry to be done? There’s a common theme associated with this year’s list – hydration. When I got home […]
Make it happen
There aren’t many feelings that suck as much as not having control over your life. I know I don’t speak alone when I say that I not only struggle to know what I want, but I also fail to follow through when I finally find something that I do. Doubt creeps into my mind and […]
The 7 types of rest we need
In usual Monday fashion, I was telling my friend at work that I was tired, despite going to bed early. That was when she asked if I’d heard of the 7 types of rest. And so began my research. I listened to Saundra Dalton-Smith’s Ted Talk on why we’re often tired when we’ve slept more. […]
Everything you need to know about vitamin C
Up until a week ago, I thought I’d found my holy grail skin brightener. I’d always used a vitamin C serum, but none quite as transformative as this one. As it turns out, there are risks that come with being transformative. When the serum oxidised, my skin started to become really rough and textured, it […]
Are soulmates real?
I tend to be a bitter person when I’m single. All that spoon-feeding that couples do; hands interlocked under the dinner table. It makes me ill. I like to think it’s because I genuinely enjoy being single, and I wished that others would feel the same. I had finally reached a point in my life […]
My favourite healthy breakfasts
Breakfast, as you may know, is a time that I rarely forget. Since moving into a share house, new routines have called for new breakfast ideas. If I had to choose, I’m definitely a sweet over savoury girl when it comes to this meal. Because breakfast is so important for our hormonal health, I make […]