Make it happen

There aren’t many feelings that suck as much as not having control over your life. I know I don’t speak alone when I say that I not only struggle to know what I want, but I also fail to follow through when I finally find something that I do. Doubt creeps into my mind and I start to falter. Whether it’s believing I’m worthy of a life that replicates that of a Hollywood film, or ignoring all of the impulses in my body telling me that something doesn’t fit quite right, I’m still learning. So when I came across Make It Happen by Jordanna Levin, I consumed every single word. Not wanting to let this book go, I had to write about it and share everything I learned in hopes that you, too, will want to make it happen.

Manifestation (the cool version)

In short, Make It Happen is about manifestation. I’ll be the first to admit that I am open to believing almost anything. But this term tends to have a reputation, and those who are more logic-driven (ie. not me) have a hard time trusting it. To put your mind at ease, Jordanna describes it like this – “manifestation is not a massive spiritual undertaking, it’s a little shift in perspective and energy expenditure”. To make it simple, she uses one formula. This formula, once put into practice, will help you attract whatever it is you desire. It looks like this – thoughts + feelings + actions + faith = successful manifestation.

The four laws

What made these four concepts easy for me to understand was the way she used four laws to elaborate on each. The law of attraction – thoughts determine reality and like attracts like (positive thoughts lead to positive outcomes). The law of vibration – everything in the universe vibrates on its own frequency, and things with a similar frequency are drawn together. Our vibrations are our feelings and emotions. The law of action – you must do the things and perform the actions necessary to achieve what you are setting out to do. The law of rhythm – all energy in the universe is like a pendulum. It ebbs and flows, rises and falls, grows and decays. Meaning, life happens in cycles. This law is related to faith.


While thoughts and actions are self explanatory, feelings are a little more complex. Vibrations are, essentially, how we feel. When putting this book into practice, one thing I noticed was that my energy and outlook on the world would change as soon as I was being my most authentic self. This was whenever I was doing something I love – singing out loud no matter where I am, exercising, writing, spending time with my favourite people, or having a positive interaction with a stranger. Today, it was as simple as eating a mango (my favourite fruit). Tomorrow it could be listening to Ordinary Girl by Hannah Montana on repeat. All of these things cause my vibration (my energy, feelings, emotions) to shift. And when our vibrations shift into a positive state, we attract more positivity into our life.

The goal is to feel more high vibrational feelings like joy, enthusiasm, freedom, love, abundance, and gratitude. They make us feel calm, light, and expansive. When it comes to low vibrational feelings like fear, shame, guilt, insecurity, anger, and doubt, our bodies feel heavy and physically drained. Let’s be real, we all feel these. The unknown is one of the biggest causes of these vibrations. Uncertainty makes us uncomfortable. Regardless of what emotion you’re experiencing, it’s important that you feel it, rather than suppressing it. Letting it out will allow you to shift it.

This or something better

In the past, I’ve struggled to detach myself from an outcome. I would want something desperately and focus solely on that. Last year, I read this quote from Buddhism For Busy People by David Michie – “it is one of life’s curious paradoxes that the goals to which we have greatest attachment are most likely to escape us, while those we don’t care so much about just fall into our laps”. Despite this being an impactful quote I’ve held onto, I failed to understand how I would go about detaching myself. That was until I read about non-attachment in Make It Happen. Jordanna explains it perfectly – “you need to be able to have faith that if this intention is in your highest interest then it will absolutely manifest. If it doesn’t, well that’s because something better is on its way”. That’s how I was able to let go of an outcome – it’s this or something better.

Faith, intuition & self-worth

To me, the concepts of faith, intuition, and self-worth go hand in hand. They’ve also combined forces to be the biggest takeaway for me after reading this book. Faith is our drive to search for meaning and purpose in our lives. It’s also based on “having the confidence to trust and believe so deeply in ourselves, but also know that there is a force much greater than us always working in our favour”. Our intuition can often be described as our ‘gut feeling’ – to know something instinctively without any proof. Not to be confused with our ego, which often makes us feel fearful and insecure. And lastly, self-worth is how we feel about ourselves. In order to have faith and listen to ourselves, we must like who we are first.

The reason these concepts matter when manifesting is because we need to believe we’re worthy of whatever we are attracting into our lives. When you feel like something is right for you, listen, follow through, and have faith that it will work out the way it’s supposed to. You are vibrationally ready for everything you experience. If an opportunity comes into your life, it’s meant for you. But don’t forget that you still need to work for it (this is where the action step is important). Trust that challenges arise for your own benefit – they are opportunities for growth. And lastly, without sounding like too much of a Hallmark card, please believe that you deserve all of your dreams. Do me a favour and read Make It Happen. You won’t regret it.


Kait x

Cover photo by Roman Odintsov