5 self care rituals to improve your emotional health

When our lives get busy, we can neglect our health and all too often feel burnt out and lacking that connection within ourselves. Here are 5 ways that you can bring that self love, balance and nourishment back into your life:

Establish a morning & evening routine

Everyone loves routine; it makes us feel safe and in control. Completing a small routine task in the evening – like dimming the lights or putting on our PJs – can indicate to our mind and body that it is time to wind down. Going to sleep and waking up at the same (or similar) time each day can create beneficial sleeping habits and allow our bodies to wake up naturally. You can add small things to your routine that make you happy and calm, too – like drinking a cup of chamomile tea, listening to classical music, or reading a book.

Dance like nobody is watching

I love putting on music at any time of the day and moving my body in a way that feels good to me. In the morning, my favourite type of music to listen to is acoustic, so I feel relaxed at the start of the day. If I need a pick-me-up, I love putting on 2000’s RnB or pop and dancing like nobody’s there. I wouldn’t say that I am the best dancer in the world, but there is something about just letting go (and not caring) that makes it feel so good. This is probably one of my favourite self care rituals.


Over the years, I have found my exercise routines to be very intermittent. But getting back into the gym recently, and finding myself going consistently, I have noticed the biggest improvement in my sleep, energy levels throughout the day, and the food choices that I make. Exercise doesn’t have to feel like a chore and it doesn’t have to take long either. My favourite ways to exercise are swimming, walking, yoga, weight training, and playing sport. Even a HIIT cardio session every now and then does wonders for your mental health.

Spend some time outside

Spending at least 30 minutes a day outside can help you feel more connected to your surroundings and to yourself. Getting sun exposure every day is so beneficial, as it assists with natural vitamin D production, which is very important for our health. When outside, listen to the birds, feel the grass underneath your feet or even stand out in the rain when it’s drizzling. Going for a hike is another way to get exercise in and immerse yourself in nature.

Take care of your skin

For me, taking care of my skin makes me feel more confident, beautiful and ‘put together’. Cleansing your face in the evening is important. If you use makeup or sunscreen during the day, using an oil cleanser or cleansing balm is perfect to remove all residue. Follow this step with a water-based cleanser and moisturiser to keep your skin clean and ready for rejuvenation and regeneration while you sleep. If you feel like going a step further and giving yourself an extra bit of love, try an overnight hydrating mask – they really do work wonders.

Whatever reason you have for wanting or needing these self care rituals, it doesn’t matter. Some may become habit, some may just be something you do every now and then; the most important thing to remember is that you deserve it.


Kait x

Cover photo by Taryn Elliott