Category: Self Development

Changing careers in your twenties

How do you change careers when you’ve never really had one? In usual fashion, my biannual crisis found its way to me. Except this time, amidst all the chaos, I finally found something. After months of ‘life plan’ rough drafts, and an unfortunate learning experience, I stumbled across a University course that seemed perfect for […]

Follow your curiosity

When I got really into podcasts in 2022, I listened to an Oprah’s Super Soul episode that featured author Elizabeth Gilbert. I’d heard of her before – I love Eat Pray Love and Big Magic. Watching my life unfold ever since I left University has been both beautiful and jarring. I’ve always felt unsettled – […]

Finding home

I’ve officially been back in Australia for a week. At home, if I can call it that. It’s a strange feeling and one I wasn’t prepared for. I kept feeling like I should have a return ticket booked for London and I shouldn’t be unpacking all of my suitcases. My floor is still covered in […]

The in-between time

Whenever it comes time to write my personal development posts, I get so excited. I usually always have an idea in mind. But this week, I’ve felt like there are too many things to say while there being nothing to say at all. I’ve been writing and re-writing. I don’t know where to start or […]

Travel journal: part 1

When you live a normal life, there’s usually a tendency to romanticise travel. Your mind sees it as an escape from reality and a chance to reset. When it comes to romanticising travel, Pinterest is both my best friend and worst nightmare. Like most other social media platforms, it throws you into an illusion – […]

My favourite books of 2023

Albeit a little late, I thought I’d share my favourite books of 2023. This was probably the year that I enjoyed reading the most. I read 10 books in total – which is, surprisingly, my new record. Although I should be embarrassed of the incredibly low number, it’s about time I accepted that I will […]


I’ve always had a tendency to romanticise aspects of life. I’ve been called airy-fairy, told that I live my life in the clouds, and that I’m naive. I mean, they’re not wrong. I’m constantly listening to music through my headphones so I can feel like I’m a character in a movie. I’m naturally drawn to […]