Category: Self Development

Travel journal: part 1

When you live a normal life, there’s usually a tendency to romanticise travel. Your mind sees it as an escape from reality and a chance to reset. When it comes to romanticising travel, Pinterest is both my best friend and worst nightmare. Like most other social media platforms, it throws you into an illusion – […]

My favourite books of 2023

Albeit a little late, I thought I’d share my favourite books of 2023. This was probably the year that I enjoyed reading the most. I read 10 books in total – which is, surprisingly, my new record. Although I should be embarrassed of the incredibly low number, it’s about time I accepted that I will […]


I’ve always had a tendency to romanticise aspects of life. I’ve been called airy-fairy, told that I live my life in the clouds, and that I’m naive. I mean, they’re not wrong. I’m constantly listening to music through my headphones so I can feel like I’m a character in a movie. I’m naturally drawn to […]

25 things I learnt by 25

It took me a while to write this post because like most people, I love giving out advice while simultaneously failing to take my own. After the seventh revision, I thought it was about time that I let go. Let go of the perfect list. And instead, give my most real and honest interpretation of […]