Category: Skin-care

Beauty of Joseon favourites

Beauty of Joseon – a favourite of many – is a South Korean skincare brand inspired by the women of the Joseon Dynasty. The reason that I bought my first product from them (back in 2021), was because I was absolutely obsessed with the packaging. Silly, I know, but the formulations actually made me stay. […]

The best Japanese acne spot treatment

After hearing a glowing recommendation about the Lion Pair Acne Cream over on Tina Tanaka Harris’ YouTube channel, I felt extremely compelled to buy. This review comes after almost finishing my second tube. Safe to say, I absolutely love this stuff. If you haven’t already, be sure to try the best Japanese acne spot treatment […]

Water & your skin

After a recent trip to Turkey, I discovered the effect that water can have on your skin. In particular, salt water, and “hard” and “soft” water. Being in London for the last six months has caused my usual summer ocean swimming habits to take a steep downward plunge. So, when I swam off the side […]