Category: Wellness

My experience coming off the pill

I have heard so many horror stories from my friends about coming off the pill after 5+ years. Most girls my age were fed the nonsense that taking oral contraceptives would help straighten out heavy periods, acne, etc. The same girls then reach their mid twenties and realise that their bodies shouldn’t be pumped full […]

Sunday self care reset routine

One of my favourite things to do when I am feeling overwhelmed or stagnant is to carry out a reset routine. Most of the time, it just so happens to be a Sunday. You’ve had a nice weekend, and now it’s time to prepare and recharge. This type of routine isn’t something we need every […]

Learn how to meditate

A ‘you should really start thinking about meditating’ part two (part one). At the beginning of this year, I read a book called Buddhism for Busy People. The author, David Michie, talks about 4 meditation techniques you can try to start you off. I still use Insight Timer, to be fair, but you might find […]