My top 5 favourite podcasts right now

Something I’ve been doing a lot lately is listening to podcasts. On the bus, tube; anywhere that gives me the opportunity to blank out the rest of the world. If you read this post, you’d know that my 2021 New Year’s resolution was to read 1 book a month. Last year, I went digital, and tried to achieve 1 podcast a week. Easy enough. I can’t remember how many I listened to in the end, but I have a playlist of close to 12 hours of material. Over the last two years, I have acquired some favourites in the podcast realm and I am here today to let you know my top 5 podcast recommendations (in no particular order), that will no doubt add value to your life.

Anything Goes with Emma Chamberlain

I was probably one of the only people on the face of the planet that didn’t used to watch Emma Chamberlain’s YouTube videos. But, since discovering her podcast, she has become one of my favourite people for giving incredibly honest, realistic, funny and useful advice. She has this weird charm and is somehow almost always relatable, no matter what she’s talking about. My favourite episodes are ‘balance in relationships’, ‘failure (part 1 & 2)’, and ‘the truth about being self-employed’. If I had to give one for the very top podcast recommendations spot, it would be this one (shhh, don’t tell the others).

On Purpose with Jay Shetty

I think Jay Shetty’s podcast was the first one I ever listened to. It was a perfect one to start with – he has a very nurturing but engaging nature. Jay talks a lot about his former life as a Hindu-monk and what that taught him. A lot of his episodes are about personal development (mindset, habits, productivity) and relationships, and in every second episode, he interviews a new guest. A great listen that has made it onto my ‘listen again’ playlist recently is called ‘Ryan Holiday on: The importance of being disciplined with our ambition & how to get comfortable with change’. If this doesn’t sound like your thing, his relationship episodes are also incredible.

Financial Feminist with Tori Dunlap

If you are like me and know absolutely nothing about finance or managing your money, Tori is your girl. She is savvy and very straight forward. As well as giving great financial advice, she also always makes me feel empowered as a woman who wants to make her own living. If you are completely new to the world of finance, her ‘practicing financial self-care’ is a perfect way to start – it will set up your routine and put money on your mind. If you are further down the rabbit hole, and are looking to move some money around, her ‘beginner’s guide to investing’ is definitely worth a listen.

Unlocking Us with Brené Brown

This woman is truly incredible. She is so insightful and honest, and I know that I will be burrowing super deep into my feelings when listening to any of her episodes. My all time favourite episode of Brené’s was when she interviewed Susan Cain – the author of Quiet (a bestseller about the power of introverts). The episode is called ‘Brené with Susan Cain on how sorrow and longing make us whole (part 1 & 2)’. These two together are the ultimate dynamic duo – like Jim and Pam, or Jägermeister and red bull. My advice: If you want to feel something – listen to Brené Brown. Also, watch this clip.

Drew’s News with Drew Barrymore

This last one is a super light and funny take on the current affairs and pop culture of the world. There are only 24 episodes (and some are repeats), but they are worth a listen. My favourite crossover is obviously Drew chatting with Jay Shetty. This episode is called ‘Jay Shetty on Kim Kardashian’s philanthropy’. She also chats with Aubrey Plaza, who is one of my cool girl idols. If you want a laugh, or just something to put on while you make dinner, this podcast is for you.

So, there it is – my top 5 podcast recommendations. There is no doubt I will continue to listen to all of these, and of course, add more to my ever-growing list. I hope you add these to yours.


Kait x

Cover photo by Dziana Hasanbekava