Author: Kaitlin Britto

My experience coming off the pill

I have heard so many horror stories from my friends about coming off the pill after 5+ years. Most girls my age were fed the nonsense that taking oral contraceptives would help straighten out heavy periods, acne, etc. The same girls then reach their mid twenties and realise that their bodies shouldn’t be pumped full […]

Beauty of Joseon favourites

Beauty of Joseon – a favourite of many – is a South Korean skincare brand inspired by the women of the Joseon Dynasty. The reason that I bought my first product from them (back in 2021), was because I was absolutely obsessed with the packaging. Silly, I know, but the formulations actually made me stay. […]

Sunday self care reset routine

One of my favourite things to do when I am feeling overwhelmed or stagnant is to carry out a reset routine. Most of the time, it just so happens to be a Sunday. You’ve had a nice weekend, and now it’s time to prepare and recharge. This type of routine isn’t something we need every […]

25 things I learnt by 25

It took me a while to write this post because like most people, I love giving out advice while simultaneously failing to take my own. After the seventh revision, I thought it was about time that I let go. Let go of the perfect list. And instead, give my most real and honest interpretation of […]