The blog

The routine that saved my skin after travelling
After months of using what could only fit in a small plastic bag, nothing over 100ml, my skin was looking tired. The week before I landed back in Australia, I ordered some new skincare products …
Finding home
I've officially been back in Australia for a week. At home, if I can call it that. It's a strange feeling and one I wasn't prepared for. I kept feeling like I should have a …
Start lifting those weights, girl
Whenever you think of an addicting feeling, I'm guessing the gym doesn't come to mind. I hope to change that. I've been weight training (on and off) for about six years. More recently, when I …
Why it’s okay to outgrow your friendships
When I was young, my mum told me that the most important people in one's life are their family. This made sense to me – growing up shy and anxious, I never made a lot …
Summer skincare favourites
Before the arrival of summer, I needed to compile a favourites list (for both you and I) of skincare for the warmer months. I have oily, acne-prone skin, so I usually always use products that …
4 herbal teas for clearer skin
Even before I moved to England, I loved tea. It's probably because my family loves tea, so I grew up with it. Just like the allure of bookstores, I find myself always being pulled toward …
The in-between time
Whenever it comes time to write my personal development posts, I get so excited. I usually always have an idea in mind. But this week, I've felt like there are too many things to say …
Lip products you need to try
I'm not someone who is hugely into make-up, but one thing I do love are lip products. My lips are not naturally pink, so I appreciate a little tinted number. I've also always loved the …
Stress & your menstrual cycle
Getting pregnant isn't the only thing that can stop your period. For the last few years, I have been conscious about monitoring my menstrual cycle. I came off the pill in 2020 and have been …
Travel journal: part 2
So, as it turns out, I actually have a lot to say about travel. I think the reason is that I love new experiences and what I can learn from them. It's an opportunity for …
Travel journal: part 1
When you live a normal life, there's usually a tendency to romanticise travel. Your mind sees it as an escape from reality and a chance to reset. When it comes to romanticising travel, Pinterest is …
How to smooth uneven skin texture
I've always tried to be one of those women with a minimalistic skincare routine. Tried being the key word. When I first left London to go travelling around Europe, I had to be mindful of …
4 types of cravings and what they’re telling you
I used to think everyone was as obsessed with chocolate as I was. Cake, brownies, Smarties milk chocolate bars, my goodness. But sadly, people's cravings are all different. My mum, while pregnant, used to stick …
My favourite books of 2023
Albeit a little late, I thought I'd share my favourite books of 2023. This was probably the year that I enjoyed reading the most. I read 10 books in total – which is, surprisingly, my …
The right way to layer your skincare products
When you spend as much time on your skincare routine as I do, you need to make sure you're actually doing it right. Otherwise, you may as well put that time to other good uses. …
The truth about intermittent fasting for women
A few years ago, when I was studying Kinesiology in Melbourne, my teacher told the class that we should all try intermittent fasting. Like with most things people tell me, I followed his advice blindly. …
I've always had a tendency to romanticise aspects of life. I've been called airy-fairy, told that I live my life in the clouds, and that I'm naive. I mean, they're not wrong. I'm constantly listening …
My skincare journey – an update
Last year I made a post called my skincare journey. Since that post, my skin has improved and I wanted to share a skincare journey update. There are a few things that I have done …
Is caffeine withdrawal really causing your headaches?
Like most other women, I have a keen set of investigative skills. But mine relate less to stalking my best friend's ex boyfriend's new girlfriend, and more to my body and its optimal functioning. I've …
How to know what you need in a relationship
In an attempt to transform my relationship expertise this year (which may or may not be in preparation for a potential reunion with the boy who ruined my life), I've been listening to a few …